Saturday 29 October 2011

Hips Don't Lie.

On Thursday, I somehow ended up putting myself forward for the Social Rep for the belly dancing committee. Admittedly, at that particular session I can't have looked like the most social person since I was ridiculously tired and had been in a zombie like state for most of the day. However, I'm currently at home for the weekend, due to it being my Dad's birthday and also visiting my friends for Halloween, but hopefully the rest will have me feeling more refreshed for my return.

I actually have a busy couple of weeks coming up. I'm writing for the university magazine; I'm doing a feature which requires me being in the union two nights (more on that later). I'm belly dancing, and I also have to prepare for a poetry, language test and then two essays to write. Once my hand in date on the seventeenth arrives I'll most likely be burnt out. However, for the moment I'm thriving under the pressure and busy schedule.

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