Thursday, 26 January 2012

Keep your hopes up high and your head down low.

My absence has been due to having to complete four essays, which is a combined word count of 9000 words, and my French tests. The last two weeks have been busy to say the least.I've been running off less than six hours sleep at times, but now I've finished and handing my work in tomorrow and have two b-e-a-u-t- i-f-u-l weeks off in which I intend to do nothing and everything all at the same time.

I'm really looking forward to reading books that I WANT to read, discovering some new bands, spending lazy days with my friends and exploring a bit more of Loughborough. Then two weeks today I shall be Amsterdam bound for two (hopefully) reckless days.

It's so bizarre that the first month of 2012 is almost over - it started in Sheffield and ends in Loughborough. It's been relatively quiet, but I'm feeling relatively optimistic that good things will come my way. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed extra tight.

Thursday, 12 January 2012

When My Day Comes.

Well, on Sunday I shall be Uni bound once again. I've tentatively begun tackling the mountain of work that I have been set - my promise to work over Christmas failed miserably.

I'm happy to be going back, I've missed people and it'll be good to be doing something again. Also, I've gained some weight here and when I'm back at university I'll be thankful that I won't have mountains of chocolate to be tempted by. However, I've loved being back home! I've missed my friends and I really feel myself here. One thing I've noticed is that I'm not myself at university: my friend said I'm ''painted in water colours''. That statement is true to an extent, I'm a lot less outgoing and I think it's because I don't feel 100% comfortable as I live with these people, and I've known them a mere three months. In Sheffield I feel comfortable cracking an inappropropriate joke, being flirty and dancing around. I've promised that I shall unleash myself in semester two, because I can't spend three years pretending to be somebody I'm not.

Aside from this inner conflict, 2012 is promising to be a good year so far. I feel much more relaxed and comfortable about who I am, I'm going to Amsterdam in a month, I'm seeing Young Guns at an incredibly small show (only 160 tickets released!), and I may be attending a hippy festival in August. Hopefully, when this year really gets going, I'll have more good things to share.