Saturday, 26 November 2011

What It Takes To Come Alive.

I organised my belly dancing social on Wednesday, and we went for a Thai meal, which to say I'm not a huge fan of Thai food, was realy nice. Tonight we're going to a hafla where we'll see a belly dancer performing, and for Christmas we'll be having cocktails!

Speaking of Christmas, It's less than three weeks till I return home for the Christmas holidays. It feels like time has flown, and it'll be surreal to be back in Sheffield for longer than a weekend. It's been quite difficult returning home and having to answer to my Mum as I'm so used to running my own life now, and it's thus resulted in some heated exchanges. Hoefully, the festive season will see us both being able to reach an understanding.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Lovely Bones.

One of the negative effects of student life is the temptation to eat all the time. During our two week freshers, I actually lost weight due to being too busy to sit down and eat a proper meal. Currently, I feel like I'm gaining weight, which displeases me enormously. My clothes still fit the same, but I feel a beer belly being to form due to the copious amounts of alcohol consumed in recent weeks. Luckily, my impending deadlines have meant I've only been out once this week, and this will be the same for this week. Once I start running again (I keep promising mysef I wil) I'll hopefully be feeling healthier.

Cooking my own food has been an interesting experience to say the least! My flatmates have been amused at my poor efforts, and for the first few weeks, sausages, beans and chips were staples in my diet. However, I recently made spaghetti and a really tasty seasoned mince; soon I shall be challenging Gordon Ramsay to a cook off ;)

Thursday, 3 November 2011

I Come Alive In The Night Time.

Label is the university magazine and as an English student, it's one of the first things I signed up to. Currently, I'm writing for features, but I'll hopefully be contributing to Culture and doing some photography; once I become more organised.I'm currently doing a feature where I went out to the union one night dressed down in flats, tights etc, and on the alternate night dressed up. What was interesting was that I got much more interest on the night I was dressed down. Also, I enjoyed it more because I felt much comfier and I could really get my groove on!

Unfortunately, for the next two weeks I shall becoming something of a recluse due to the impending deadlines and a Language text coming up. I'm eager to do well in these and prove myself worthy of my university place.